
Matty Pritchard is an artist and musician whose recent work centers on experimental epoxy resin paintings with sculptural qualities.

He works on both large and small scales creating luminosity within his paintings by introducing lush color palettes, reflective surfaces, and internal light sources. His work incorporates abstraction through color fields and gestural marks and pattern as well as figurative elements or objects. The surfaces he creates are evocative of microscopic worlds and expansive sea or sky vistas. In order to create a dynamic and immersive effect, he uses color combinations that mimic moving aurora borealis, azure oceans, and the surfaces of planets, configured in waves or swirls that indicate immense currents and airflows. His smaller-scale works become jewel-like, emulating the detail and fluidity of Murano glass and ceramic glazes.

The experience of being in nature and imagining celestial movements is important to Matty’s work and represented in the titles he chooses. We see this in the dense spectral characteristics and oscillating textures of “Stellarstar” and “Martian Solar Flare” and in the triptych “The Planets” as they move from turquoise and blue to a fiery burst of orange.

His work is currently featured at Atelier Canal in Brooklyn, NY. This past summer he was shown in a solo exhibition at Julio Santiago’s Artsee Hudson on Warren Street in Hudson, New York, which included two bodies of work, one entitled Pig Out!, the other Dark Light. His work is also represented at the Lorin Marsh showroom at The New York Design Center in Manhattan and in various private collections. Matty was recently selected to participate in the Creatives Rebuild New York program as an artist and culture bearer.